The German Tara Rokpa office is managed by Petra Niehaus.
She is looking forward to your questions concerning our annual international Tara Rokpa Summercamp in Germany!
Tara Rokpa Office
c/o Petra Niehaus
Gartenstr. 48
D-52064 Aachen
phone +49 15678 862441
b u e r o (at) t a r a r o k p a . d e
Responsible: Deutsche Tara Rokpa-Gesellschaft e.V., Berlin (Site notice)
Donations to support our Tara Rokpa work in Germany are welcome. We are a registered charity in Germany.
Bank account: GLS Bank, Deutsche Tara Rokpa-Ges. e.V., IBAN: DE93 4306 0967 1076 5680 00, BIC: GENODEM1GLS